Saturday, August 31, 2019

A Friend Indeed Essay

I enjoyed Bill Sackter’s story in the documentary, A Friend Indeed. It showed me that although he had a hard past and mental deficiencies, he can overcome them, and make the most out of his life. With his positive and enjoyable attitude, he inspired many people; naturally gaining popularity for his personality. Back then, it was very different with the treatment of people with disabilities then it is now. If a child was disabled, they would be separated from their family and sent to an institution. In Bill’s case, he was taken from his family at the young age of seven. Bill never had any contact with his family ever since he was admitted to the institution. According to Bill’s stories, the institution was very harsh and violated many human rights. One story Bill shared with his friend explained why Bill always wanted to wear wigs. While giving a boy with epilepsy a bath, the boy began to have a seizure. Bill went to get an aid, but to his mistake, he went to the â€Å"mean† one. The aid grabbed Bill’s hair and threw him down the staircase; the hair still in the aid’s hand. This shocked and angered me on the horrible treatment disabled people were put through. It was extremely wrong to treat people like that; it completely violated human rights. I think that people have a predisposition to treat disabled people differently; and that’s wrong, in my opinion. In A Friend Indeed, Bill was working and doing things that mostly anyone can do; disabled or not. He proved that he could overcome his disadvantages. He became an inspirational figure while doing it, too. People should not give judgment to the disabled. The disabled are people, too, and should be treated on equal terms as everyone else.

Friday, August 30, 2019

English as official language of the United States Essay

â€Å"News from 2000 Census is that 49 percent of Hispanics in America are not fluent in English. They are the fastest growing minority in the United States, representing 12. 5 percent of the population. The legal picture for Hispanics is also astonishing. EEOC complaints have more. than doubled in 5 years, and settlements have risen to over $50 million. † (Harrop, 2001) The inhabitants of the United States have never had any official language. Over 6 % of primary school children in the United States were instructed in German until the World War I. Over 45 million American nationals still state that their forefathers spoke German. Large scale immigration in the 20th century led to the inhabitance of multilingual people inside the US. Therefore, around 336 different languages are presently spoken which comprise of 176 endemic dialects. More than 47 million American nationals use a language other than English within their homes including 30 million Spanish speakers. Since a significant number of US nationals feel comfortable while speaking a language other than English, the federal government should not make English the official language of the United States. The US Senate voted to select English the official language and prohibited the use of other languages for federal government orders and services. â€Å"The 63-34 vote, on an amendment offered by the Oklahoma Republican James Inhofe, split the Senate along largely party lines, with only nine of the 44 Democrats voting for it, and just one Republican voting against. † (Cornwell, 2006) Democratic minority leader Harry Reid identified this amendment as â€Å"racist† whereas Ken Salazar, a Colorado Democrat of Hispanic origin, described it as â€Å"divisive and anti-American†. (Cornwell, 2006) Such a law neglects any provisions for services in languages other than English. This would be a problematic situation for those Americans who cannot speak English fluently. This would also force new immigrants to have considerable knowledge of English language before they get US nationality. It is surprising to note that English language voted out German by a difference of just one vote when it was selected as the official language of the US by Congressmen in the year 1795. (Cornwell, 2006) â€Å"Enacted at the apex of the Great Society, the Bilingual Education Act was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Johnson without a single voice raised in dissent. Americans have spent the past 30 years debating what it was meant to accomplish. Was this 1968 law intended primarily to assimilate limited-English-proficient (LEP) children more efficiently? To teach them English as rapidly as possible? To encourage bilingualism and biliteracy? To remedy academic underachievement and high dropout rates? To raise the self-esteem of minority students? To promote social equality? Or to pursue all of these goals simultaneously? The legislative history of the bill provides no definitive answer. † (Crawford, 50) English Only Movement The English Only Movement (EOM), a movement initiated in the 1980s, is a sequel of the procedure of domestic colonialism. This will also lead to the demolition of the other languages which are spoken by minorities. In the year 1979, a Report by Carnegie Corporation pointed out that â€Å"bilingual education was the preeminent civil rights issue within Hispanic communities. † (Penna, Shepherd, pg. 147) Bilingual education also became a key issue creating distress in the Mexican community inside the United States according to different researches carried out by the U. S. Civil Rights Commission ( 1967- 1975). Researches also reveled that the academic system inside the US was thought of as being against the cultural traditions of the Mexican population. This led to negative effects including inferiority complexes amongst the Mexicans. There is no doubt in the fact that the eradication of a community’s traditions and customs is an abuse of the basic civil rights regarding the linguistic and cultural survival of a specific community. On the domestic level, the English Only amendment in the state of California was a triumph for those who support the use of English as an official language. It gave legal status to an issue that goes against biculturalism and bilingualism. During the period between 1986 and 1989, voters and legislators in thirty-nine states took into account plans analogous to the Californian amendment. This led to the appearance of 17 states with English as the official language. The English only third house had been succeeded in bringing bilingual education policy to the leading position of national debate, it includes questions, the approach of scientific teachings of bilingual education and it also contains a federal resolution in this could help English be official language of the United States. Law at the highest point of the great society, the bilingual education act was passed by congress and it was signed to become a law by President Johnson without saying a single word against it. Americans, have spent thirty years in discussing that what it meant to achieve. â€Å"Was this 1968 law intended primarily to assimilate limited-English-proficient (LEP) children more efficiently? To raise the self-esteem of minority students? To promote social equality? Or to pursue all of these goals simultaneously? The legislative history of the bill provides no definitive answer. † (Crawford, 50) Melting Pot Theory The discussion over, if the United States is an assimilationist or form a society embracing many minority groups and culture traditions which are very old. There were some exchanging of views forcefully that United States is a melting pot, which means that people of various nations settle in America and forced to resemble which means to become an American completely. â€Å"The March 14 to 16 poll of 1,007 likely voters with a margin of error of three percentage points showed that 63 percent of Americans would like to have ballots and voting materials only in English, compared with 35 percent who wanted them printed in English and other languages. † (Lawmakers Push Official English, A06) Because these declarations repeat the study of Myths of the Melting Pot, as well as spread throughout wrong ideas about languages which are mostly not challenged but nothing is supported by the record of history. In fact, history of the US language policy – or lack of one – both work at lower price than the logical basis for official English and provide warning lessons about teaching actions to restrict languages which are rarely use. 1. Unfavorable to myth, the United States has never been a basic speaking and/or using only one language country. By the period of time, one from eight of permanent inhabitants reported a languages background other than English in 1976, this is variety of nothing new but some skilled persons in languages or study of languages believe that the United States has been the habitant of more persons able to speak two languages than any other nation in the history of the world. As early as 1664, when the colony of the New Netherlands came into possession of British, eighteen different languages were spoken on Manhattan Island, not including the language spoken by the local inhabitants of America which were numbered more than five hundred in North America at the time. 2. Considering the US history, the prevailing federal policy on languages has only maintained tolerance and adjustments. In spite of the language variety in 1787, the famous took no interest to protect or encourage English: United States constituents. Because discussion were held in private and we must depend on James Madison’s informal notes, it is not clear, if any language issues came up during the federal agreement on social behavior in Philadelphia (Farrand 1913). But available facts strongly suggest that our early leaders regarded language laws of any type as a cause of harm to civil freedom from captivity. 3. Recognizing about rarely spoken languages reflected bilingual and non-English – language schools which were ordinary in many districts until the long time period of World War I. In 1710, British missionaries were invited to maintain schools among the Iroquois League of Ally States, with the demand that students should be informed or taught with their national languages. Parts of bible which were translated in Mohawk language were included in the texts used. In 1802, Congress began a yearly devotion of ($15,000) to encourage â€Å"civilization among the old inhabitants (before the arrival of colonists). † This money was devoted to religious schools in which many schools were bilingual. 4. The liberation policy on languages was the best and ideal policy for this country, but it is no upheld especially among people conquered and angry for supposed un-justice; people living in colonies and some racial people. Attitudes of the 19th centuries towards their right of language were considerably less tolerant than say towards speakers of German, French or Scandinavian languages Conclusion As written in this paper, there are many ways that lower class is being saved from being forgotten in the US. For his reason, it is important to be known by the mysterious ways in which this is happening. Language is another simple of making sure that the class’s position in society is prevailing. â€Å"English as the nation’s dominant language is no more threatened at the turn of the 21st century than it was at the turn of the 20th. To the contrary, it is all the other languages that are endangered – and would soon die out, if not for the replenishing effects of immigration. † (Official English/English Only, n. p. ) It has been as issue for decades that some influential groups/people have been trying to restrict other languages and promote English Language. On the other hand, this policy has not been accepted and approved by the majority of Americans as it is discriminatory. This idea is not hidden that making English as the US official language is the agenda of White Americans – it also unveils the approach of White American as they don’t want more immigrants from the third world countries. Works Cited Cornwell, Rupert. May 20, 2006. At last, America has an official language (and yes, it’s English) Independent, The (London) James Crawford. Language Politics in the U. S. A. : The Paradox of Bilingual Education. Journal Social Justice. Volume: 25. Issue: 3. Year: 1998. Page Number: 50 Maureen E. Harrop. Managing a Non-English-Speaking Workforce – Hispanic Americans – Brief Article – Statistical Data Included. Modern Machine Shop, Nov, 2001 http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m3101/is_6_74/ai_79900955 Accessed, April 21, 2007 Lawmakers Push Official English; Bills Tied to Immigration Reform. The Washington Times. Publication Date: April 3, 2006. Page Number: A06. Official English/English Only . n. d. http://www. elladvocates. org/englishonly. html Accessed, April 21, 2007 David Penna and George W. Shepherd Jr. Racism and the Underclass: State Policy and Discrimination against Minorities. Publisher: Greenwood Press. Place of Publication: New York. Year: 1991. Page Number: 145.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Statistical Analysis of Colored Stones by Using Random Sampling

Statistical Analysis of Colored Stones by using Random Sampling Naomi Malary Lab Report 1 Ecology Lab 312 L-1 October 12, 2009 Introduction Random Sampling, a method often used by ecologist involves an unpredictable component. In this method, all members of the population have an equal chance of being selected as part of the sample. The results involving random sampling can be categorized as descriptive statistics and inferential statistics (Montague 2009). Descriptive statistics includes simplified calculations of a given sample and arrange this information into charts and graphs that are easy to contrast. Trying to reach conclusions that extend beyond the immediate data alone describes inferential statistics. To document the results of sampling, qualitative and quantitative data is used. Quantitative data lack is measured and identified on a numerical scale, whereas Qualitative data approximates data but does not measure characteristics, properties and etc. The purpose of this experiment was to use statistical analysis to evaluate random sampling of colored stones (Montague 2009). While conducting this experiment, we came up with a few null hypotheses. The first null hypothesis is that all the stones that have the same color weigh the same. The second null hypothesis is that there are more blue stones than red or yellow stones. Therefore the Blue stones will be picked the mosr. Our final null hypothesis is that the stones of the same color have the same length and that they will not vary in size. Method Our team was given a box of one hundred and two red, blue, and yellow stones. Team members A and B took turns choosing stones via random sampling, team member E recorded the color of the chosen stone. Team member C measured the weight of the stone with a scale, and team member D measured the length of the stone using a vernier capiler. Team members A and B placed the stones back into the box, mixed it, and we then repeated the procedure. Three sample sets were taken . The first set I were the first 5 samples taken (n=5), set II consist of n=10, and set III consist of n=30. Results There appeared to be a small difference between stone color and their average weight (Table1. and figures 1-3). Upon observation, you will see that the yellow stones were larger than the blue stones, and the blue stones were larger then the red stones (Table2. and figure 2-3). It can also be noted that the only sample set to have red stones selected was in set III (Figure 3). additionally, figure7 shows that blue stones were picked in greater proportion than the yellow and red stones. Discussion I hypothesized that all stones that share the same color weighs the same. According to table 2, all the stones of the same color do not share the same weight. Though the average seemed relatively the same, there still was a difference in the weight. Therefore, I must reject my null hypothesis on account of this information. The second null hypothesis stated that there are more blue stones than yellow or red stones, therefore more blue stones will be picked than any other stone. According to figure 7, the blue stones accounted for 44%, the yellow stones 38%, and the red stones 18%. Therefore I will not be rejecting my hypothesis on the basis that there were more blue stones present than any other color. The final null hypothesis stated that the stones of the same color have the same length. Table 2 and figures 5-7, accounted for the fact that the yellow stones were usually the longest and the red stones the shortest. Based on this information, I will not be rejecting this null hypothesis. Figure 1: Graph shows the average weight of each colored stone for set=5 Figure 2: Graph shows the average weight of each colored stone for set n=10 Figure3: Graph shows the average weight of each colored stone for set n=30 draw:frame} {draw:frame} {draw:frame} Figure 4: Graph shows the average weight of each colored stone for set=5 Figure 5: Graph shows the average weight of each colored stone for set n=10 Graph6: Graph shows the average weight of each colored stone for set n=30 {draw:frame} Figure 7: Pie chart shows the total proportion of the stones Reference Montegue, J. M. 2009. BIO 312L: Ecology Lab – Exercise 01 2009. Slides 10,11 Wikipedia, Random Sampling. www. wikipedia. com/random _sample

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Animal rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Animal rights - Essay Example Using animals for this purpose has its advantages and limitations. The intensive research carried out in any medical lab is with an intention of making human life better in terms of good health. There are several medical breakthroughs that have saved mankind a great deal that has originated from performing experiments on animals. Examples of this include organ transplant, open heart surgery, and insulin administration to regulate blood sugar. In addition, it is an accurate way of understanding the human response to a certain medical technique without endangering the life of a human being. Necessary changes can be made if the desired response is not achieved. Both human and animal lives are saved due to the rights of the animals used in the lab. Humans only receive drugs that have undergone thorough scrutiny and are sure to deliver intended results. Another crucial benefit that arise with the use animals in the lab is the increased precision and assurance of the results compared to the use of computer models in prediction of the outcome. Despite hav ing different philology to humans animal testing turns out to be the best method of assuring human safety after administration of a certain type of drug (Murnaghan 1). A particular research is carried out with the betterment of human life on the forefront of researchers. The rights of the animals used in the lab have made it possible for the achievement of human safety without harming the animals. Numerous medical procedures and drugs used to date are as a result of testing that was carried out on lab animals. The animals aid in improving human well-being and comfortable existence. Despite the benefits achieved from the animals, various disadvantages from the use of animals in the lab. The increased cost of research is the first disadvantage. The animals that are used for research purpose need to be housed, fed and live under controlled environment for the achievement of

Pasta Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Pasta - Essay Example Considering that pasta is made from healthy items like wheat and corn and that it is relatively cheaper, â€Å"total U.S. consumption rose 0.4 percent by volume, according to The Nielsen Co (cited in The Associated Press). With the inflation speeding up through out the American grocery stores a few years back, pasta suddenly became the top priority of American public concerning food. Chief executives of many pasta companies in US claim that the way sales of other goods got reduced, pasta sales did not reduce as commodity prices jumped up which shows that American people certainly do not know what to do without pasta (Twiddy). Availability in a wide variety of attractive shapes makes pasta a favorite item of the American cuisine presently. Nutritional value, great taste, and economical value majorly contribute to pasta’s popularity in America. According to the American Pasta Report, â€Å"77% of the 1,003 Americans surveyed said they eat pasta at least once a week, while a third eat it three or more times a week† (New Taste Dimensions Foods, Inc). Concluding, pasta remains highly popular food item in America because it is everything what any food item is required to be since it is cheap, tasty, and nutritious. The interesting thing about the research is that pasta pairs quite harmoniously with recession as well, which I did not know before. The Associated Press. â€Å"Forget the carbs, pasta pairs well with recession.† 21 Jan. 2009. Web. 01 Dec. 2011.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Case for Briefing Dewsnup v. Timm 116 L.Ed. 2d 903, 112 S. Ct. 773 Article

Case for Briefing Dewsnup v. Timm 116 L.Ed. 2d 903, 112 S. Ct. 773 (1992) - Article Example In 1986 and 1987, plaintiff-respondents filed complaints in the Federal District Court for the District of Oregon, alleging that they were induced to invest in the partnerships by misrepresentations in offering memoranda prepared by petitioner and others in violations of inter alia, 10 (b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5 and further assert that they become aware of the alleged misrepresentations only in 1985. The court granted summary judgment for the defendants on the ground that the complaints were not timely filed, ruling that the claims were governed by Oregon's 2-year limitations period for fraud claims, the most analogous forum-state statute; that plaintiff-respondents had been on notice of the possibility of fraud as early as 1982; and that there were no grounds sufficient to toll the statute of limitations. The Court of Appeals also selected Oregon's limitations period, but reversed, finding that there were unresolved factual is- sues as to when plaintiff-respondents should have discovered the alleged fraud. No. The judgment is reversed. The court through Justice Blackmun held that litigation pursuant to 10(b) and Rule 10b-5 must be commenced within one year after the discovery of the facts constituting the violation and within three years after such violation, as provided in the 1934 Act and the Securities Act of 1933. It is the usual rule that when Congress has failed to pro- vide a statute of limitations for a

Monday, August 26, 2019

United States Border Control Problems and Solutions Thesis

United States Border Control Problems and Solutions - Thesis Example Alternative programs which help provide solutions to the border control issues in the United States should include three main points: (1) that the program must ensure sufficient control over unauthorized entry and work, or that the program must be a supplement – not a substitute – for illegal activities in the US; (2) that employers must also have sufficient incentive in the hiring of domestic workers before foreign workers are hired; (3) that the program must set forth remedies to ensure that the rights of temporary workers are protected (LoBreglio, p. 958).   The protection of immigrant workers’ rights is an important consideration and requirement in securing successful solutions to the border control issues.   Historically, illegal aliens and even guest workers have not enjoyed bargaining rights in the workplace and political rights as individuals (LoBreglio, p. 958).   Illegal aliens who are mostly economic migrants point out that they do enjoy better l ives in the US and they emphasize that the problem also lies with their own government and in the insufficient opportunities given to them in their native countries.   In order to resolve the problem of illegal aliens, the US needs to coordinate its efforts with other countries, especially with the Mexican and the Canadian government.   The Congress can do this by focusing its attention on specific populations and secure the rights of such population by â€Å"incorporating directly into immigration law the human rights and transparency elements of Canadian and European Union policy† (LoBreglio, p. 959). Congress must also further the protection of guest workers by including provisions for the allocation of funds for state or non-governmental organizations towards education programs which would teach guest workers about their rights and obligations under the US laws (LoBreglio, p. 959).   These programs must also be based on their native language and must focus on their issues and concerns as migrants.   Such programs must also not overly focus on legal terminologies which would not be understood by the migrants; instead, they must focus on giving migrants practical and relatable instructions, especially instructions they would need in order to ensure that their stay in the US would be within legal limits.   Sound education programs can successfully reduce the burden of such aliens to American society and help reintegrate them into their society upon their return to their native countries (LoBreglio, p. 959).  Programs which also attempt to educate the general public in relation to the reasons and consequences of illegal immigration can also help reduce abuse and negative stereotypical thoughts against migrant workers (LoBreglio, p. 960).   Sanctions issued against employers hiring illegal aliens can also help deter or reduce the hiring of aliens.   It is also important to educate employers about the process they can undertake in order to gain legal workers and the repercussions of illegally employing aliens (Lobreglio, p. 960).  The possible passage of a law which specifically protects the rights of illegal immigrants can also be considered by the concerned authorities.   Such law can direct the immigrants in gaining direct access to the Ombudsman or other human rights agencies.   For example, phone numbers for the Immigration Department of the Mexican National Commission for Human Rights can be posted at Mexican alien detention centers (LoBreglio, p. 960).  Ã‚  

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Analyses the processes of innovation implemented during new venture Essay

Analyses the processes of innovation implemented during new venture creation through the study of a Small to Medium Enterprise ( - Essay Example Thus, it is important to analyse the processes involved in the creation of a venture and this can be clearly illustrated through the study of SMEs. Especially in the case of understanding innovation for a new venture, SMEs are perfect models in order to understand the entire process involved. This essay tries to discuss the processes of innovation involved in the creation of new venture through understanding SMEs. SME and its environment The SMEs are affected by the internal and business environment because they are all integral parts of the existing innovative process of the global business. As of the present trend in conducting business, SMEs are the basic units of a country’s affairs in commerce and trade. Thus, there is a need to analyse the recent business environment that substantially influenced SMEs significant moves. PEST Analysis Politics, economy, social and technological aspects are essential parts of the business environment. All of these components are affecting SMEs at certain level. After all, SMEs are organisations or companies with specific structure, operation and resources that are highly influenced by politics, economy, social and technological factors. ... This is the current scenario especially among SMEs in which their opportunities lie on the ability of the government to integrate its political power into the business environment. Thus, SMEs are trying to create important efforts to eliminate whatever existing gaps that may arise along the process. Economy The recent global economic recession is said to be worst economic downturn in history as next to Great Depression (Marino et al., 2010). It is in this reason that companies are making extra effort in order to recover from corresponding profit lose they incurred from such economic event. In line with this, SMEs are under important moves in order to ensure continuous business operation. Social The business environment without question is composed of individuals who are in their daily activities may be influenced by the information they received from the environment. One of this may be due to the effort of companies to stimulate needs for their offerings. Kotler (1999) discussed that companies are into formulating strategies that eventually will stimulate needs for their offerings. This in return may set the current social trend in which the business sectors have gained considerable opportunity for their growth. In line with this, SMEs are challenged to formulate their own strategy in order to also gain social acceptance. Technology The transfer of knowledge and technology is politically desired by the government but this is hindered by issues such as problems related with communication and technology down to intellectual property regimes (Dhillon et al., 2009). The real issue therefore is on how SMEs can eventually adapt into technological competency as the latest trend in the business environment. Aspects of

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The History Of My Family Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The History Of My Family - Essay Example Moving to the new land was, however, not a bed of roses. It meant that they had to go where it was occupied. During those times, the legal system was still unknown. Therefore, when it came to land ownership, my ancestors had to fight. If they win, then they take over the ownership of the land. When my ancestors, therefore, migrated, they went to a place, which was occupied by a different race. On realizing my ancestors’ arrival, the natives were not at ease. They thought that my ancestors were going to take over their resources. Therefore, they discriminated and prejudiced them, hoping that they will feel unwelcomed and would eventually leave. However, my ancestors were strong and courageous. The discrimination that was seen when it came to watering the livestock was not something to scare my ancestors. Though the natives would go and try to prevent other people, especially of other races from getting access to the watering points, my ancestors still found their way to the wat ering points, especially because they were strong and daring. Grazing grounds were the other places where discrimination was evident. However, owed to the determination of my ancestors to feed their livestock, they made their way through the opposition. Due to the kind of livelihood, which was seen during the times of my ancestors, my foster father told me that the use of ethnic or racial slurs was something normal among my ancestors. The livelihood of those times called for a lot of competition for limited resources.... However, my ancestors were strong and courageous. The discrimination that was seen when it came to watering the livestock was not something to scare my ancestors. Though the natives would go and try to prevent other people, especially of other races from getting access to the watering points, my ancestors still found their way to the watering points, especially because they were strong and daring. Grazing grounds were the other places where discrimination was evident. However, owed to the determination of my ancestors to feed their livestock, they made their way through the opposition. Due to the kind of livelihood, which was seen during the times of my ancestors, my foster father told me that the use of ethnic or racial slurs was something normal among my ancestors. The livelihood of those times called for a lot of competition for limited resources. Therefore, often, the neighboring races constantly did many things that in one way or the other, offended my ancestors. Among these thi ngs were refusing my ancestors to cross their territories, being jealous of my ancestors’ possessions, and bewitching their animals. Therefore, my ancestors were always honest. They always said the truth, and therefore, when they found the races being associated with any evil thing, they addressed them in the same evil thing. For the mean races, they called them. On the other hand, when they found some races bewitching their livestock out of jealousy, they referred to them as bewitchers. They did this so that their children would know how to be careful with these people. The use of slurs generally was a means of cautioning the next generation, so that when it came to such issues as marriage or other associations, they would be careful with such

Friday, August 23, 2019

Portfolio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Portfolio - Essay Example The topics have been of interest partly because they were part of the course requirement and because they aroused my curiosity to learn about some the aspects presented. This portfolio contains a reflection of the successes that I have demonstrated, the potential areas that need improvement as well as the failures thereof. My focus for writing the summary on the ‘Human Organs for Sale’ was not only to complete my assignment but also to understand the issues surrounding the controversial subject. I hope you will appreciate the way I was able to analyze my points in an orderly form, I brought out the summary in four main points that can be easily identified from the work. I successfully brought forward Holcberg’s point of view without any biasness, my own thoughts did not influence that of the piece of work I was summarizing. I found the work interesting to read and flowed well making it possible for the reader to follow every bit of the argument. In addition, the f act that I was able to quote Holcberg’s work made it possible for my work to link with the work I was summarizing. The piece of work that I wrote was very brief and straight to the point. This made the summary meet its objective of communicating to the audience without many explanations. Some mistakes were identifiable in my work providing a platform for future improvement. The fact that English is not my first language resulted to some personal bias. I realized that some of the thoughts that I had put across were not the information according to Holcberg. I also developed a huge passion for the topic that I went ahead to do further research on the issue of sale of organs. The information I acquired almost influenced my summary, but I was cautious hence making a deliberate effort to review my essay after I had written. I believe my grammar needs improvement in terms of sentence construction, use of vocabulary and the general articulation in English. However, the summary provi ded some effort in advancing these elements in English language. The second and most informative of the work that I engaged with was the ‘Petition to Waive the University Mathematics Requirement’. Talking about Gordon Adam’s incidence, I learnt so much about how to generate an article from a story that has appeared in some media. The essence of the topic was to understand some of the regulations that govern the choice of courses by the student. This particular incidence opened my understanding of the possibilities that are available for a student who wanted to forego a certain course and the grounds under which it is possible. The aspects that are presented in this article are not only beneficial to me but also the entire student community. The issues articulated are relevant and highly beneficial to not only the students but also the administrators. I presented the paper in a reader friendly format, having categorized my paper in three major sections, the introd uction, the summary and the analysis of the incidence under focus. This gave my audience and me an opportunity to comprehend the topic with ease and clarity. The critical analysis section of the essay provided information that was very helpful for me to understand as it relates to real life occurrences. I found the work explanatory as well as descriptive due to the fact that it provided quotations from the source document. Improvements in this project can be made in three areas

Thursday, August 22, 2019

School Uniforms Essay Example for Free

School Uniforms Essay The issue of school uniforms in today’s public schools is a silent but very controversial issue, Gaining momentum with school administrators and parents debating on whether or not to convert their public schools. With academics on a decline compared to the world average, (Wu, Elaine) along with school violence at its highest that it has ever been. The United States is a seeing a change towards school using school uniforms to help solve many problems associated with public schools. School uniforms in today’s society â€Å"promote school safety and enhance the learning environment, and diminish the clothing completion† As said by Marsha Boutelle. School uniforms unify a school and help the blending of the school cultures, instead of massive polarization among students. Of course student who could not wear uniforms due to religious reasons or other appropriate reasons could sign out doing so along with parent permission. Along with School uniforms we see a boost in academic performance. With the United States dropping behind other developed nation ranking in at number 18 of 24. (Wu, Elaine) this is low for a nation that is spending a lot on education every year. Kids are losing focus on school and are competing for what the newest fashion or gadget rather than focusing on school these days. With the addition of school uniforms in American society kids can focus more on their classes rather than social factors that students focus on when there is no school uniform and the dress code is not strict. With the addition of school uniforms in public schools you can see students bonding together helping students feel like they are accepted and part of a much bigger picture than just them. Also the boost in academics helps out everywhere with helping students get into universities of their choice rather than just a university that excepts them and helps them get scholarships, which a lot have a GPA requirement, that must be met in order to qualify or to continue receiving. This helps out students and parents get funding for the college or trade school they attend. And with the millions of dollars in scholarships that go unused each year. Students could defiantly use this money to pay or help pay for their college. And this helps out businesses get tax cuts find what could be future employs and save them money in the end when taxes are due. But many people argue against school uniforms in America and say that it affects their creativity and violates the first amendment. (Cornell) Arguing against school uniforms parents feel that not being able to dress in the latest clothing fashions. They feel that their children are being restricted on their creativity and ability to freely express themselves. Coming back to the United States constitution’s first amendment which is the freedom of speech, saying that what the students are wearing is a symbol of speech and is expressing them. But this argument is flaw when it comes to students who still cannot abide by even the schools standard dress code policies. For example â€Å"sixth grader tiffany gets sent to the principal’s office because the teacher thinks she is dressed inappropriately. She is wearing a micro mini skirt and a halter top that shows her midriff. Principle Judy Montgomery, of Sacramento’s Bear Flag Elementary School, takes Tiffany home to change her clothes and to check in with her parents. There reaction isn’t what she expects â€Å"Her mother was upset with me† Montgomery says. Her mother says she looks cute. † (Boutelle) This is showing that some parents can’t even enforce a school appropriate dress code on their children in this day and age. This example is showing how kids are being influenced by today’s hip hop culture. Effecting what young people are wearing even if it is degrading to them. And its creating distractions to other people in the academic environment therefore hindering others ability to do their best and distracting them from being creative in their own ways. So this argument is invalid when kids are so dressed down that it’s distracting to others. And the inability for parents to be able to tell their children that what they are wearing is inappropriate and shows that a standardized dress code should be put in place. There is a time and place to dress however you like and that is outside of school. Kids can dress however they please outside of a standardized institution. Also it would be very unprofessional if parents had to meet a teacher or principle for a conference or something school related. And the teacher or principle was wearing unprofessional clothing looking unclean and not clean cut, In other words not looking professional for their job. Students and parents alike don’t like to see this it’s very hard to take them serious and consider them professional. So the argument is flawed when it comes to it in the end, because in schools are supposed to be unifying and be an academic environment. Another problem in American schools is school violence School violence can be greatly reduced by the use of school uniforms. With kids unable to noticeably tell or distinguish which kids belong to what gangs in school if any at all. Also with uniforms it’s much harder to tell which kids come from money and which kids come from needy families. Relieving kids of the stress of which social economic status you come from. With a blending, it helps kids see who the actual person is rather then who or where they came from or what their culture is or background. For example all you have to do is step in to any public school with a normal dress code during lunch and you can just see all the different groups that are happening in a school from rich kids and jocks to the nerds and the poor kids. You see the school gangs separating representing for their gang or group. At any moment there could be a confrontation between any of these groups and instantly a conflict has started or worse school violence could happen between people. Since something has happened everything is stopped until the situation gets resolved whether it’s broken up by the school cop, teachers, or resolved by the people it happens between. Some of this can be stopped, as bill Clinton said in his 1996 state of the union address â€Å"I challenge all our schools to teach character education, to teach good values and good citizenship. And if it means that teenagers will stop killing each other over designer jackets, then our public schools should be able to require their students to wear school uniforms. † (Clinton) This quote is showing how kids are committing violence in school over something as simple as a â€Å"designer jacket†. (Clinton) everyone wearing uniforms also makes it very easy to recognize people who are not supposed to be there or can make an intruder stand out in a crowd. So what is to stop kids in school from killing or committing violence over any other reason in public schools? But David L Brunsma begs to say that school uniforms can actually solve school violence or even boost school academic performance. After he did a study on how school uniforms. His graph (summary of uniform policy effect) shows that there is either not enough of a change or there was a drop in performance according to his graph. But the graph does not show any numbers on it so it’s hard to say anything about also. On this subject there is a lot of supporting data for both sides which make it hard to say what is legit and what is not because not every study is reproduced in this field. Brunsma says that school uniforms actual cause a false sense of security and are actual detrimental to what is going on in the climate of the school. (School Uniform Policies in Public Schools†) With so much contradicting evidence to his claim it only raises questions to why uniforms help in some parts of the U. S and across the world but not all over the united states. In conclusion school uniforms should be instated in public school, with a boost in academic performance. Which would in turn boost the United States in the ranking system of developed nations, and along with that would make it a much more respected educational institutional as a whole in the world of education. Also school uniforms unify schools bringing them closer to a whole and unifying the school. School uniforms help students feel a part of something bigger than just them. Also it keeps schools much less polarized making students safer and keeping the school violence significantly low. But it won’t solve all conflicts because there is always someone out looking to start something or is suffering from a severe problem. This can be prevented by students taking initiative to help protect their school. Students should help everyone out in their school by helping keeping it unified. Works Cited 1. Boutelle, Marsha. Uniforms: Are They a Good Fit? The Education Digest. 73. 6 (February 2008): 34-7 2. Brunsma, David L. School Uniform Policies in Public Schools. Principal (Reston, Va. ). 85. 3 (January/February 2006): 50-3 3. Brennan, Timothy. Do uniforms make our schools better? Ive seen them boost school climate. American Teacher. 89. 5 (February 2005): 4 4. Firmin, Michael, Suzanne Smith, and Lynsey Perry. School Uniforms: A Qualitative Analysis of Aims and Accomplishments at Two Christian Schools. Journal of Research on Christian Education. 15. 1/2 (Spring/Fall 2006): 143-68 5. Brunsma, David L. , and Kerry Ann Rockquemore. Statistics, Sound Bites, and School Uniforms: A Reply to Bodine. The Journal of Educational Research (Washington, D. C. ). 97. 2 (November/December 2003): 72-7. 6. Daugherty, Richard F. Leadership In Action: Piloting a School Uniform Program. Education. 123. 2 (2002): 390 7. PRESIDENT CLINTON, WILLIAM JEFFERSON, STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS,U. S. CAPITOL JANUARY 23, 1996, http://clinton2. nara. gov/WH/New/other/sotu. html 8. Wu, Elaine, â€Å"U. S. falls in education rank compared to other countries†, The Kapio Newspress, 2004, http://kapio. kcc. hawaii. edu/upload/fullnews. php? id=52 9. Cornell University Law school, http://www. law. cornell. edu/constitution/constitution. billofrights. html.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Art of War Studies Essay Example for Free

Art of War Studies Essay What is War? In order to describe what war is one has to define it. According to The Collins Dictionary war is 1. open armed conflict between two or more parties, nations or states 2. a particular armed conflict: the 1973 war in Middle East. 3. the techniques of armed conflict as a study, science, or profession. 4. and conflict or contest: the war against crime. 5. (modifier) of, resulting from a characteristic of war: war damage; war history. This is obviously straight to the point, but does not go into enough detail to fully describe what war is. Clausewitz chooses not to follow the definitions put forward by, what he calls, publicists, in Vom Kriege. Instead he puts forward his own view that it is nothing but a duel on an extensive scale. To fully understand what war is you have to look at the four main factors in war; force, the agents involved, intensity and duration, and teleology. The use of force and the violent nature of it is arguably the most obvious feature of war. However, one has to consider what force actually is, the answer to this creating significant disagreement. When talking about the use of force as a feature of war one immediately considers this force to be of military form, whereby weapons are used to strike down their opponents. This is of course true to an extent, but is not the only force used in war. Force can also be political or ideological force, as seen in the beginnings of the Cold War. Here, the Soviet Union uses their ideological ties with other countries in Eastern Europe to force them to reject the Marshall Plan in their war against the United States of America (US) for dominance. Clausewitz Total War, whereby the nations uses all of their wealth and resources, putting them on the line, in order to destroy their enemys armies, property and even their citizens, ties in with this use of force. Here, force is everything that the attacking group can muster together in order to destroy the other groups will to fight and bring a quick, decisive victory, and can involve killing soldiers as well as destroying important buildings. Wars are not always like this, and with the introduction of nuclear weapons, Van Creveld believes that conventional war is effectively at its end. Also, if this Total War was true then more groups would use nuclear weapons in order to win the war, but they do not. This is due to mutually assured destruction and the risk of a backlash from other nuclear powers. There has been plans to try and incorporate nuclear weapons into conventional war, but this was unsuccessful. When considering what is war, it is not simply a case of the use of force by the attacking party, but one has to take in account the opposed force. Without this opposed force it would not be war, it would simply be a massacre or perhaps genocide. The form of opposition force, like an attackers force, can vary, whether they respond in an offensive or defensive manner. If they are defending the war will be restricted to their own turf and their forces concentrated on preventing attack and protecting certain people or buildings. However, the offensive force of the attacking party can be met with similar offensive force. The war will ultimately begin on their turf as they are being attacked, but they will attempt to remove the threat and then attempt to destroy them as in Clausewitz Total War. If force is indeed the use of weapons, then one has to consider what sort of weapons are used in war. Weapons have changed through time, becoming increasingly high-tech to the point of nuclear weapons that could remove all humans off the face of the earth, but they have not been used to their full extent as of yet. The larger powers tend to use weapons such as aircrafts with bombing and firing capabilities, tanks and battleships, whilst the soldiers involved will carry such things as guns and grenades. Martin van Creveld puts forward his thesis that in future wars weapons will become less sophisticated due to the types of groups involved. With this, he believes the production of high-tech weapons will stop and cheaper, but still effective weapons, will be used. This is already happening in the war between Al-Qaeda and the West, where they are trying to bring down the US and the whole western system. They did not kill people with high-tech weapons in their most devastating strike against the US, which killed thousands of people, but took over two aeroplanes around New York and flew them into two buildings, which were among the most important in the West, showing it does not have to be all guns and bombs in wars. Another important part of war is the agents involved in it. In todays world, since the Peace of Westphalia, one would find it very tempting to say that war is a game played out by states. However, it is increasingly emerging to be not just a game played by states, but other groups are emerging that take refuge in sympathetic states that wage war on other states or groups. One such group is Al-Qaeda, which took refuge in Afghanistan in their fight against the West. If it is states fighting wars then this will be very similar to Clausewitz Trinitarian war, which is made up of a trinity of the government, the army and the people. In this situation, the government decides whether to go to war but they do not fight it. The army are strictly the players in the game and the ordinary civilians are not allowed to join in at all. If indeed this is true then all wars in the world would be an army versus an army. However, in todays world we see wars break out between armies and a group of civilians, like the situation in Iraq at the moment and the War against terror. Wars can even break out between two non-army organisations, such as a gang warfare between Mafia groups, although obviously the scale will not be as big as van Crevelds conventional war. These wars which do not occur between armies does not fit into Clausewitz Trinitarian war, but is more an element of van Crevelds non-Trinitarian war. He sees a decline of the state and with this the liquidation of boundaries between the trinity. This means that it will not only be armies that fight wars, but also groups of civilians, as seen with groups like Al-Qaeda. This arises another important part of war, which is how intense or how long it has to go on for in order for it to be classed as a war and not a skirmish of any other act of violence that is not a war as such. A war cannot simply be a single gun fight between two gangs as this is just a one off event. It has to be a series of events or battles between two or more groups for a certain cause. The saying you may have won the battle, but you have not won the war, although is a very dramatic saying, is perhaps the most obvious quote that war cannot just simply be one battle, that would be a skirmish. War is number of these skirmishes and would ultimately be more than two. The intensity is another matter, and this varies from war to war depending on the strength, nature and will to destroy of the groups involved. Wars do not necessarily have to be high intensity, although Clausewitz Total War would be, where as Van Crevelds Low Intensity Conflict would not. War would not happen if it was not fought for a certain reason, for that fact one has to understand what means war is fought for. This can be seen in Clausewitz definition that war is the continuation of politics by other means. War is not always going to be fought for political reasons and can in fact be due to such things as ideological and economic factors. In conclusion one can see that the definition of war in a dictionary is not explicit enough. Saying war is an open armed conflict between two or more parties, nations or states is much too thin an answer to discuss what war is in who is involved. Discussing fully the four factors in the introduction brings about a clear definition of war, which cannot really be put into a few sentences as it varies a great degree and is ever changing through time, whether it be who is involved, the weapons used or the means of which it is fought for. Bibliography Martin van Creveld Transformation of War Carl von Clausewitz On War Lawrence Freedman War The Collins Dictionary

Project Development in XILINX ISE 10.1

Project Development in XILINX ISE 10.1 Chapter 4 VHDL INTRODUCTION A design engineer in electronic industry uses hardware description language to keep pace with the productivity of the competitors. With VHSIC (Very High Speed Integrated Circuits) Hardware Description Language (VHDL) we can quickly describe and synthesize circuits of several thousand gates. In addition VHDL provides the capabilities described as follows: Power and flexibility: VHDL has powerful language constructs with which to write succinct code description of complex control logic. It also has multiple levels of design description for controlling design implementation. It supports design libraries and creation of reusable components. It provides Design hierarchies to create modular designs. It is one language fort design and simulation. Device –Independent design: VHDL permits to create a design without having to first choose a device foe implementation. With one design description, we can target many device architectures. Without being familiar with it, we can optimize our design for resource or performance. It permits multiple style of design description. Portability: VHDL portability permits to simulate the same design description that we have synthesized. Simulating a large design description before synthesizing can save considerable time. As VHDL is a standard, design description can be taken from one simulator to another, one synthesis tool to another; one platform to another-means description can be used in multiple projects. Benchmarking capabilities: Device–independent design and portability allows benchmarking a design using different device architectures and different synthesis tool. We can take a complete design description and synthesize it, create logic for it, evaluate the results and finally choose the device-a Complex Programmable Logic Device (CPLD) or a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) that fits our requirements. ASIC Migration: The efficiency that VHDL generates, allows our product to hit the market quickly if it has been synthesized on a CPLD or FPGA. When production value reaches appropriate levels, VHDL facilitates the development of Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC). Sometimes, the exact code used with the Programmable Logic Device (PLD) can be used with the ASIC and because VHDL is a well-defined language, we can be assured that out ASIC vendor will deliver a device with expected functionality. 4.1 VHDL DESCRIPTION In the search of a standard design and documentation for the Very High Speed Integrated Circuits (VHSIC) program, the United States Department of Defense (DOD) in 1981sponsored a workshop on Hardware Description Languages (HDL) at Woods Hole, Massachusetts. In 1983, the DOD established requirements for a standard VHSIC Hardware Description Language VHDL, its environment and its software was awarded to IBM, Texas Instruments and Intermetrics corporations. VHDL 2.0 was released only after the project was begun. The language was significantly improved correcting the shortcoming of the earlier versions; VHDL 6.0 was released in 1984. VHDL 1078/1164 formally became the IEEE standard Hardware Description Language in 1987. A VHDL design is defined as an ‘entity declaration’ and as an associated ‘architecture body’. The declaration specifies its interface and is used by architecture bodies of design entities at upper levels of hierarchy. The architecture body describes the operation of a design entity by specifying its interconnection with other design entities –‘structural description,’ by its behaviour –‘behavioural description’, or by a mixture of both. The VHDL language groups, sub programs or design entities by use of packages. For customizing generic descriptions of design entities, configurations are used. VHDL also supports libraries and contains constructs for accessing packages, design entities or configurations from various libraries. 4.2 INTRODUCTION TO XILINX ISE 10.1: Create a New Project Create a new ISE project which will target the FPGA device on the Spartan-3 Startup Kit demo board. To create a new project: Select File > New Project The New Project Wizard appears. Type tutorial in the Project Name field. Enter or browse to a location (directory path) for the new project. A tutorial subdirectory is  created automatically. Verify that HDL is selected from the Top-Level Source Type list. Click Next to move to the device properties page. Fill in the properties in the table as shown below: Product Category: All Family: Spartan3 Device: XC3S200 Package: FT256 Speed Grade: -4 Top-Level Source Type: HDL Synthesis Tool: XST (VHDL/Verilog) Simulator: ISE Simulator (VHDL/Verilog) Preferred Language: Verilog (or VHDL) Verify that Enable Enhanced Design Summary is selected. Leave the default values in the remaining fields. When the table is complete, your project properties will look like the following: 7. Click Next to proceed to the Create New Source window in the New Project Wizard. At the end of the next section, your new project will be complete. Create an HDL Source In this section, you will create the top-level HDL file for your design. Determine the language that you wish to use for the tutorial. Then, continue either to the â€Å"Creating a VHDL Source† section below, or skip to the â€Å"Creating a Verilog Source† section. Creating a VHDL Source Create a VHDL source file for the project as follows: Click the New Source button in the New Project Wizard. Select VHDL Module as the source type. Type in the file name counter. Verify that the Add to project checkbox is selected. Click Next. Declare the ports for the counter design by filling in the port information as shown below: 7. Click Next, then Finish in the New Source Wizard Summary dialog box to complete the  new source file template. 8. Click Next, then Next, then Finish. The source file containing the entity/architecture pair displays in the Workspace, and the counter displays in the Source tab, as shown below: Checking the Syntax of the New Counter Module When the source files are complete, check the syntax of the design to find errors and typos. Verify that Implementation is selected from the drop-down list in the Sources window. Select the counter design source in the Sources window to display the related processes in  the Processes window. Click the â€Å"+† next to the Synthesize-XST process to expand the process group. Double-click the Check Syntax process. Note: You must correct any errors found in your source files. You can check for errors in the Console tab of the Transcript window. If you continue without valid syntax, you will not be able to simulate or synthesize your design. 5. Close the HDL file. Design Simulation Verifying Functionality using Behavioral Simulation Create a test bench waveform containing input stimulus you can use to verify the functionality of the counter module. The test bench waveform is a graphical view of a test bench. Create the test bench waveform as follows: 1. Select the counter HDL file in the Sources window. 2. Create a new test bench source by selecting Project → New Source. 3. In the New Source Wizard, select Test Bench Wave Form as the source type, and type Counter_tbw in the File Name field. 4. Click Next. 5. The Associated Source page shows that you are associating the test bench waveform with the source file counter. Click Next. 6. The Summary page shows that the source will be added to the project, and it displays the source directory, type, and name. Click Finish. 7. You need to set the clock frequency, setup time and output delay times in the Initialize. Timing dialog box before the test bench waveform editing window opens. The requirements for this design are the following: The counter must operate correctly with an input clock frequency = 25 MHz. The DIRECTION input will be valid 10 ns before the rising edge of CLOCK. The output (COUNT_OUT) must be valid 10 ns after the rising edge of CLOCK. The design requirements correspond with the values below. Fill in the fields in the Initialize Timing dialog box with the following information: Clock High Time: 20 ns. Clock Low Time: 20 ns. Input Setup Time: 10 ns. Output Valid Delay: 10 ns. Offset: 0 ns. Global signal: GSR(FPGA). Note: When GSR(FPGA) is enabled, 100 ns. is added to the Offset value automatically. 8. Click Finish to complete the timing initialization. 9. The blue shaded areas that precede the rising edge of the CLOCK correspond to the Input Setup Time in the Initialize Timing dialog box. Toggle the DIRECTION port to define the input stimulus. Note: For more accurate alignment, you can use the Zoom In and Zoom Out toolbar  buttons. 10. Save the waveform. 11. In the Sources window, select the Behavioral Simulation view to see that the test bench waveform file is automatically added to your project. 12. Close the test bench waveform. Simulating Design Functionality Verify that the counter design functions as you expect by performing behavior simulation  as follows: 1. Verify that Behavioral Simulation and counter_tbw are selected in the Sources  window. 2. In the Processes tab, click the â€Å"+† to expand the Xilinx ISE Simulator process and  double-click the Simulate Behavioral Model process. The ISE Simulator opens and runs the simulation to the end of the test bench. 3. To view your simulation results, select the Simulation tab and zoom in on the transitions. Note: You can ignore any rows that start with TX. 4. Verify that the counter is counting up and down as expected. 5. Close the simulation view. If you are prompted with the following message, â€Å"You have an  active simulation open. Are you sure you want to close it?† click Yes to continue. You have now completed simulation of your design using the ISE Simulator.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Free Will of Shakespeares Macbeth :: GCSE English Literature Coursework

Free Will of Macbeth  Ã‚  Ã‚   Shakespeare    â€Å"Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.† (Witches, IV, I, 94) Everyone has control over something. Whether it be themselves, someone else, or a possession, they have control. Throughout the play Macbeth, written by Shakespeare, Macbeth is controlled by three witches and also his wife. Macbeth has a free will to choose to do what he wants but he frequently chooses to do what others want or predict of him. In Act I, Scene iii, Macbeth can’t withhold himself from knowing more of what the witches have to predict. He says to them, â€Å"Stay, you imperfect speakers. Tell me more.†(73) This is where the witches begin to gain control over Macbeth, we know this because he doesn’t want them to leave and wants to know more about what he will become. When Macbeth finds out what the witches have predicted of him is coming true, he becomes stunned. He then begins to think of how he will be king, and all the prophecies will be won. Macbeth makes an aside saying, â€Å" Two truths are told as happy prologues to the swelling act of the im perial theme.† (I, iii, 140) Here Macbeth is falling into the trap of the witches by realizing that he will be able to conquer the quest of becoming king. It seems like Macbeth is someone who always gets what he wants, this greed that he has causes a problem. He wants to become king, but others stand in his way, such as Banquo, Fleance, and Macduff. He says in Act I, Scene iv, to Banquo, â€Å"If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me without my stir.† (157) He knows that he has done nothing to become Thane of Glamis, so he doesn’t have to do anything to become king. At this point it seems that Macbeth feels it is destiny for him to be king but it soon changes to his free will. Like stated before, Macbeth thought he had done nothing to become Thane of Glamis but, he had. Macbeth had chopped the king of Norway’s head off during battle. This shows that in order for Macbeth to have gained Thane of Glamis he must kill. When he realizes this, he com es to find out that he will have to get rid of those in his way by killing them to become king. The Free Will of Shakespeare's Macbeth :: GCSE English Literature Coursework Free Will of Macbeth  Ã‚  Ã‚   Shakespeare    â€Å"Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.† (Witches, IV, I, 94) Everyone has control over something. Whether it be themselves, someone else, or a possession, they have control. Throughout the play Macbeth, written by Shakespeare, Macbeth is controlled by three witches and also his wife. Macbeth has a free will to choose to do what he wants but he frequently chooses to do what others want or predict of him. In Act I, Scene iii, Macbeth can’t withhold himself from knowing more of what the witches have to predict. He says to them, â€Å"Stay, you imperfect speakers. Tell me more.†(73) This is where the witches begin to gain control over Macbeth, we know this because he doesn’t want them to leave and wants to know more about what he will become. When Macbeth finds out what the witches have predicted of him is coming true, he becomes stunned. He then begins to think of how he will be king, and all the prophecies will be won. Macbeth makes an aside saying, â€Å" Two truths are told as happy prologues to the swelling act of the im perial theme.† (I, iii, 140) Here Macbeth is falling into the trap of the witches by realizing that he will be able to conquer the quest of becoming king. It seems like Macbeth is someone who always gets what he wants, this greed that he has causes a problem. He wants to become king, but others stand in his way, such as Banquo, Fleance, and Macduff. He says in Act I, Scene iv, to Banquo, â€Å"If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me without my stir.† (157) He knows that he has done nothing to become Thane of Glamis, so he doesn’t have to do anything to become king. At this point it seems that Macbeth feels it is destiny for him to be king but it soon changes to his free will. Like stated before, Macbeth thought he had done nothing to become Thane of Glamis but, he had. Macbeth had chopped the king of Norway’s head off during battle. This shows that in order for Macbeth to have gained Thane of Glamis he must kill. When he realizes this, he com es to find out that he will have to get rid of those in his way by killing them to become king.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Evelines Decision in James Joyces Dubliners Essay -- Joyce Dubliners

Eveline's Decision in James Joyce's Dubliners      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the short story, 'Eveline,' James Joyce introduces us to the life of a young woman named Eveline. She has the opportunity to escape with Frank, the man she thinks she loves, to a faraway country in search of a new life.   Instead, she decides to stay in the dreary and gloomy life she already knows.   To understand Eveline's final decision to stay we have to analyze the reasons that prevent Eveline from pursuing a better life. Her fear of the unknown; the fact that she does not know Frank well enough; and the many attachments she has to her home, prompt Eveline to make her decision.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The first reason for Eveline to stay is that she is does not have the courage to leave.   She   tries to convince herself that her life is not ? wholly undesirable,? but Joyce reveals how hard and undesirable her life actually is when he tells us that she ?felt herself in danger of   her father's violence.?   She gets ?palpitations? because she is so afraid of her own father.   Although he beats her and treats her badly, she still thinks that ?sometimes he could be very nice,? just because she remembers him making her laugh once, and other time when he took care of her when she was sick.   These good memories about her father look insignificant compared to what she has to do for him.   Eveline also has to support the mistreatments of her abusive father even when she is asking him for money to buy groceries.   Especially on Saturday nights when he is   ?usually fairly bad,? meaning he is drunk.   Eveline alone asks herself   if it is wise to leave.   She thinks that at her home she has ?shelter and food; she had those whom ... ...irl, is protected by her mother. Memories make Eveline feel more emotionally attached to her home. Although her favorite brother, Ernest, is dead, she still cares about Harry.   She has to many duties in the house.   She has to take care of two children, take care of the house, and her abusive father.   All because of the promise she made to her dying mother to ?keep the home together as long as she could.?   The love for her mother is too strong to break that promise.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In conclusion Eveline chooses the 'odour of dusty cretonne' over a new, but unknown life because the reasons for staying slightly overwhelm the reasons for leaving.   For this era her decision might seem bizarre or even foolish; but making that decision she does what is logical for that epoch. Works Cited Joyce, James Dubliners, New York:Penguin, 1993

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Employee Morale After Downsizing Essay -- essays research papers fc

Employee Morale After Downsizing   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Downsizing has become a significant idea in today's economy and maintaining the trust of employees when something like this takes place has also become very serious business (Brockner, Konovsky, Cooper-Schneider, Folger, Martin, & Bies, 1994). The question is not whether a company should downsize their employees but how to do the downsizing properly so that as few employees as possible are injured (Brockner, Konovsky, Cooper-Schneider, Folger, Martin, & Bies, 1994). There are several ways that companies can downsize that will help retain much of the loyalty of the workers that remain (Brockner, Konovsky, Cooper-Schneider, Folger, Martin, & Bies, 1994). Companies who downsize through attrition and buyouts, those companies that work to help downsized employees find new jobs, and companies that are willing to provide outplacement services to those individuals often end up in positions that are much better than companies that simply fire workers due to downsizing (Brockner, Konovsky, Cooper-Schneider, Folger, Martin, & Bies, 1994). These companies who show that they care about the workers that they have to remove through downsizing have a much greater chance of retaining a lot of the loyalty originally given to them by the workers that survived the downsizing (Brockner, Konovsky, Cooper-Schneider, Folger, Martin, & Bies, 1994). Trust is a very important asset for these companies but it is very difficult to achieve and just as difficult to hold on to (Brockner, Konovsky, Cooper-Schneider, Folger, Martin, & Bies, 1994). If companies are willing to downsize in a way that is considered to be very humane by many of the workers these companies will fare better in the long-term than companies who perceive workers as disposable (Brockner, Konovsky, Cooper-Schneider, Folger, Martin, & Bies, 1994). Late in the 1970s, companies began to downsize workers (Brockner, Konovsky, Cooper-Schneider, Folger, Martin, & Bies, 1994). They did this in order to improve the bottom line and also to cut many of their costs (Brockner, Konovsky, Cooper-Schneider, Folger, Martin, & Bies, 1994). Even though some companies today are making record profits they carry on this idea that they must be as lean as they possibly can in order to compete (Brockner, Konovsky,... ...tional Forms? Organizational Science, 4, i-vi Davidow W.H. & Malone, M.S. (1992). The Virtual Corporation. New York: HarperCollins. Hirschhorn, L. & Gilmore, T. (1992). The New Boundaries of the 'Boundaryless' Company. Harvard Business Review, 70: 104-115. HR Paints a Bleak Portrait of Downsizing Survivors. (1993). HR Focus, 70, 24. If You Are Going to Downsize, Says U.S. Labor Secretary Robert Reich, Do It Gently. Interview, (1996). Sales & Marketing Management, 148, 118-123. Kets de Vries M.F.R. & Balazs, K. (1997). The Downside of Downsizing. Human Relations, 50, 11-50. Kozlowski, S.W., Chao, G.T., Smith, E.M., & Hedlund, J. (1993). Organizational Downsizing: Strategies, Interventions, and Research Implications. In C.L. Cooper and I.T. Robertson, eds., International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. New York: Wiley, 262-332. Mishra, A.K. (1996). Organizational Responses to Crisis: The Centrality of Trust. In R.M. Kramer and T.R. Tyler, eds., Trust in Organizations.' Frontiers of Theory and Research. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage, 261-287 New York Times Special Report: The Downsizing of America. (1996). New York: Random House, 5.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Child and young persons development Essay

There are three main areas of child development. These are physical, communication and intellectual and social, emotional and behavioural development. The physical stage takes place naturally but children must have opportunities to develop their natural skills. Children will need support to develop their gross and fine motor skills. Gross motor skills use the large muscles in the body, arms and legs, for example crawling, walking and throwing. Fine motor skills use the smaller muscles in the fingers for example using a pencil, fastening buttons and using a knife and fork. The communication and intellectual area of development concerns a childs language skills and learning ability. The number of opportunities and experiences a child has been given from an early stage can have an affect on the intellectual development of a child. The â€Å"nature versus nurture† debate describes two different theories of a child’s intellectual development. Some psychologists believe that a childs intellectual ability is something that they are born with, nature. While other psychologists believe that a child’s intellectual development is dependent on the opportunities that they have been given, nurture. How a child feels about itself, others and the confidence they gain are all part of their social, emotional and behavioural development. During this development stage a child will learn about the kinds of behaviour that are acceptable and how to become more independent. For a child to develop to the best of their ability they will need to have a secure environment where they feel safe. Physical development From 0-3 years is a period of great physical development. In their first year a child will develop from having very little control over their body to being able to sit up, roll, crawl and hold objects. A child will start to walk, climb and play with a ball in their second year. As the ability to control their movement becomes greater they will be able to hold smaller objects, feed themselves and begin to dress themselves. In their third year a child will be able to turn pages in a book, use a cup, use crayons and pencils more effectively and walk and run more confidently. It is during this time that they will enjoy using more physical toys like tricycles and scooters. Between the ages of 3-7 a childs physical development means their movements are now more coordinated. The skills they have already developed have become more refined so they can now write, draw and use scissors. They  can also now catch a ball, pedal a bike, hop and skip. The child continues to grow and refine their skills during the ages of 7-12. It is during this stage that they often take up a hobby, for example football or dancing, and the skills that are required by that hobby are further developed. Their fine motor skills become much more controlled which now allows them to be able to sew or play an instrument. Some girls may start to show the early signs of puberty. Between the ages of 12-16 a child goes through adolescence. During this period they grow stronger, taller and their weight will increase. Most girls will have gone through puberty in this stage and boys will be starting to go through it. As all children go through puberty at different times there will be a great difference in strength and height of different children. On average by the end of this stage usually boys are taller than girls. It is during this stage in development that a young person will be more likely to m aster a skill. At the age of 16-19 a young person is now an adult. Most girls would have reached physical maturity by this stage but boys will continue to physically develop until they are in their mid 20’s. Communication and intellectual development As soon as a child is born they begin to learn the skills of communication when adults talk and sing to them. It is important that they are stimulated because they can experience difficulties with communication in later life if they are not. From the age of one a child will begin to speak, single words at first but by the age of two they may begin to form simple sentences. Their vocabulary will increase quickly, so they may have a vocabulary of around 200 words. By the age of three a child will start to use plurals and negatives in their speech. As the child becomes more social between the ages of 3-7 they begin to use familiar phrases and expressions. They will start to ask questions and use past and future tense. A childs intellectual development during this stage includes learning to read and improving their writing, drawing and number skills. During the ages of 7-12 years a childs communication and intellectual development continues to refine skills they have already developed. Most children are now fluent speakers and their reading and writing skills continue to improve. They are now able to process information more effectively and can reason with others. This stage of development allows them to use more abstract ways to develop their own  ideas. From the age of 12 to the age of 18 a young person will begin to get a clearer idea of what subjects they like and they will become more motivated in these subjects. They also begin to develop a clear preference for art or science and start to question sources of information. They may begin to try and avoid subjects they do not like or show a lack of confidence in them. It is important that during this stage of communication and intellectual development young people feels good about themselves and that they feel a sense of belonging. By the ages of 16-19 the young person is le aving school. They will be looking at their strengths and ways to continue to develop these so they can use them for their future. Social. Emotional and behavioural development The social, emotional and behavioural stage of development for a child between the ages of 0 –3 years will include the child smiling, gazing, forming strong attachments, with parents at first, and using a comforter like a dummy or a blanket. During this stage a child may become attention seeking, reluctant to share and start having temper tantrums. The tantrums are usually because of frustration and wanting to be more independent. Social, emotional and behavioural development is more prevalent from the age of three up to the age of twelve. Between the ages of 3-7 a child will begin to play with others rather than playing alongside them, parallel play. They will begin to form friendships, socialise and use imaginative play. A child will enjoy being independent and having responsibility but they will start to seek adult approval. During this stage of development it is important that a child learns about boundaries, what they are, why they are important and why they are necessary . Firm friendships are developed where the children are supportive of each other between the ages of 7- 12 years. Children will usually play in groups of children of the same sex and they will be more aware of what other people think of them. They will develop a sense of what is right and wrong and they will be uncertain of any changes in their surroundings. It is important that during this stage of development they are given activities that require them to become more independent and they continue to receive praise and encouragement. Between the ages of 12 –16 friendships become very important to a young person, they begin to spend more time with their friends and want more independence. They may experience  peer pressure, feeling pressured from their friends to do something or act in a certain way. During this stage in development a young persons self esteem can be very sensitive, this is due to the changes in their body due to puberty. They will begin to become very concerned about what other people think about them. Young people may feel under a great deal of pressure because of the increase in expectations of them as they are growing up and they may not be aware of how to behave in some situations. It is important to remember during this stage that even though they may begin to look like an adult a young person will still need guidance and advice. From the age of 16-19 the young person becomes an adult but they will still need advice as they lack experience in many areas of life. The way in which people interact and their emotional maturity will vary between different people. It is important to remember that development is a holistic process and the milestones previously described are a broad average. Every child is unique and develops at their own rate some children may hit the milestone earlier than others, some may hit them a little later than others A childs development may be split into three main areas but these areas are not independent of each other. All three areas of development are linked for example a child who is good at football has refined a physical skill which will enable him to socialise more and grow in confidence. It is also often the case that a child who is a low achiever has social, emotional or behavioural problems. A childs development can be affected by different factors including their background, health, and the environment that they grow up in. Children in schools can come from many different backgrounds and cultures. During their time at school a lot of children will experience changes in their home life this could include illness, family break up and moving house. All these can affect a childs development in different areas. I currently work with a child who is 9 years old and the second youngest in a family of four. The children were taken from the family home three years ago because their parents had alcohol problems, which were affecting the welfare of the children. This childs background has greatly affected their development in a number of ways. Their development in social and behavioural areas has been affected, as they are very confrontational and disruptive. They find  friendships quite difficult, as they tend to be controlling. They are a low achiever; their literacy and reading levels are lower than expected this may be because they have not received any support from home or had the opportunity to read to anybody. A child who suffers from a physical disability, impairment or ill health can have developmental problems. Their disability or impairment may mean that they cannot engage in certain activities which may limit what social activities they can participate in. they may have problems with their fine motor skills meaning that they would find holding a pen or pencil difficult. If a child is absent from school a lot because of illness they may find it hard to catch up on the work they have missed and they may find making firm friendships difficult. It is important that adults within a school are aware of the problems these pupils face so that they can support them in the best way possible. Children who come from a background of deprivation and poverty are more likely to have problems achieving in school. The childs parents would have difficulty managing the needs of their child, which would have an affect on their development. The child may not have access to books to help with reading and other materials that would support their studies at school. Development may be affected in a child who has been experiencing a different method of schooling, such as home schooling or a child with no previous education for instance if they have come from another country where formal education does not start until a later age. This child would need additional support until they have settled in school. If a child is in care this may affect their development. Their social, emotional and behavioural development will be affected but the school will monitor them closely and put into place any support that they feel is necessary. Every child or young person will go through a period of change, transition, while they are at school. There are school-based transitions such as changing class along with a change of teacher also changing key stage. The biggest school-based transition that a child will have to face is moving from primary school up to secondary school. During their school life they will also face personal transitions as they go through puberty. When children go through, or are coming up to a transition period they should be given lots of opportunities to talk about what is happening or going to  happen. They should be able to ask questions that will help them be as informed as possible. Being informed can help minimise any negative affects transitions may have on a childs development There are some transitions that not every child will experience. These transitions are usually unexpected and the child may not prepared for it. These transitions could include parental separation, bereavement, a parent changing their partner, moving house, new sibling, illness or injury and a change of carer. Parents should inform the school if something has happened or is going to happen that could have an affect on their child so the school can support the child where necessary. As a member of staff you have to be aware that this does not always happen, if you notice that a child begins to behave out of character then you must inform other members of staff of your concerns. If you work with a child who is experiencing parental separation this could affect the child in many ways but it is important to remember when speaking with the parents you must be sensitive. Bereavement for a child can be very traumatic. Schools usually have procedures in place that will help guide the staff i n the best ways to support the child while they go through this difficult period. A child whose parent has recently changed partner can be greatly affected by the change. How often the child sees their absent parent and how the new partner is introduced to them will affect how big the impact of this transition will be on the child. In this situation you will need to be sensitive when talking to the childs parents. Moving house can be quite exciting for some children, especially those who are not having to change schools but for children who are it can be a very daunting time. If a child has just started at school after moving into the area the child will need support until they have settled into their new school. A new sibling can have an affect on children, particularly young children. Having to vie for their parents’ attention can be difficult to cope with for some children, especially if it is for the first time. A child will need support if they or their loved one becomes ill or injured. They will need support until they become used to the change in their circumstances however long or short that may be. If a child you are working with is in care they may find it difficult to cope with if they have a change of carer. School and social services work very closely with each  other in these circumstances and would be able to support and advise any staff that work with the child. Transitions can affect children in many different ways. They may become withdrawn and quiet, attention seeking, very anxious or they could start behaving uncharacteristically. It is very important that children feel secure in other areas of their life and that they are supported during any transitions. They should be given opportunities to talk about how they are feeling and to ask any questions they may have. If the children are aware of what is going to happen and prepared it can lessen the negative affects that the transition may have. If you know that a child or a group of children are going to experience a transition, such as a change of class, teacher, school or even sitting exams, then you can plan ahead on how best to support them during this period. Transitions can be very traumatic for children so it is vital that they receive support or there social and emotional development can be affected.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Tax Evasion and Tax Audit

Definition of Tax Evasion: Tax evasion usually entails taxpayers deliberately misrepresenting or concealing the true state of their affairs to the tax authorities to reduce their tax liability and includes in particular dishonest tax reporting, such as declaring less income, profits or gains than actually earned or overstating deductions,. It is an illegal practice where a person, organization or corporation intentionally avoids paying his/her/its true tax liability. Examples of practices which are considered tax evasion: Knowingly not reporting income * Under-reporting income (claiming less income than you actually received from a specific source * Providing false information to the NBR about business income or expenses * Deliberately underpaying taxes owed * Substantially understating your taxes (by stating a tax amount on your return which is less than the amount owed for the income you reported). Tax Audit: A tax audit is an investigation into the background of tax returns submit ted by an individual or business to a tax agency.While it is true that a tax audit may be called due to some perceived irregularity in one or more returns, it is also true that an audit may be done simply as part of a random sampling. Tax audit is when the IRS decides to examine your tax return a little more closely and verify that your income and deductions are accurate. Tax return is chosen for audit when something you have entered on your return is out of the ordinary. There are three main types of IRS audits: the mail audit, the office audit and the field audit.

Learn English

Name : Nguyen Cong Duy Class : AE2a A Happy Campus A happy campus is an interesting and happy place to study and relax. People feel comfortable when they come here. A happy city is well-designed and there are many good facilities. There are also many places for education environment. Many people come from over the world. People in a happy campus want to create a active environment. Although they may come from difference backgrounds, they are able to respect each other and share ideas.They can enjoy influences from other cultures such as different languages, and take part in multicultural events. There are many good facilities in a happy campus. Campus has a big space with sports facilities such as: four artificial football field, one swimming pool, one badminton field, one basketball court, one tennis court and gyms, and campus has green trees and friendly environment which students can take a rest and play team sports to relax after stressed study hours.Some good equipment in happy campus need to study such as: computer library, projectors, television, sports facilities and a lot of books which are good for students with their free time. A happy campus need to have a good education environment. There are many clubs for students to join such as commerce, English, finance and marketing clubs in their free time. In addition, students can study group in free time and take part in outside activities such as: playing team sports, going swimming and playing active games together which were created by students.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Hamlet vs Agamemnon Tragedy Essay

Hamlet and Agamemnon are two extraordinary and timeless plays. Both plays deal with the big themes of love, loss, pride, the abuse of power and the fraught relationships between men and gods. Hamlet and Agamemnon, the protagonist of the plays that were named after them, are two tragic heroes that commit some terrible crime without realizing how foolish and arrogant they have been. Both protagonist are of higher status, and have power. However, Hamlet is more tragic than Agamemnon, for several reasons. Hamlet is a good, kind men. He is the Prince of Denmark and loved by the Danish people. Unfortunately for him, his beloved father, King Hamlet, dies. Hamlet loves his father very much, and he is deeply hurt when his dad passed away. He is even more shocked and hurt by the fact that his mother, Queen Gertrude, marries his uncle, Claudius, shortly after her husband died. Prince Hamlet sees and has a conversation with his father’s ghost. He learns that the King of Denmark was murdered by his brother, Claudius. Hamlet swears to avenge his father, and he starts to play mad so he can gather evidence and put his plan in motion. At first, he is not completely sure that the ghost was his father, and he tries to get confirmation by inviting King Claudius and Queen Gertrude to a play based on what the ghost had told him. After he is convinced that his father was murdered, he plans to kill Claudius. Hamlet is not very eager to kill his uncle, he is not happy about the situation, and he does not act fast. Agamemnon is completely different than Hamlet. He rapes Clytemnestra and murders her husband. King Agamemnon did not stop there. After he marries Clytemnestra, he sacrifices their youngest daughter, Iphigenia, to gain favourable winds to take the Greek fleet to Troy. King Agamemnon seems to be more like King Claudius. Both of them killed the rightful King, took his wife, and killed or planned to kill the Queen’s child. Agamemnon kills his daughter, Claudius plots to kill Hamlet at least twice. Agamemnon is popular, and appreciated for his battles skills and victories. He doesn’t seem to care much about other persons and values, other than his power, battles victories, and the public’s adoration. Hamlet killes Polonius when he was talking with his mother after the play. Polonius was hiding, and ears dropping for the King. When Gertrude thought that Hamlet wants to attack her, she yelled for help, and Polonius  responded, calling for help from behind the arras. In an unusual moment of spontaneous action, Hamlet stabs the concealed figure, believing it to be Claudius. The death of Polonius cased great suffering to Ophelia, his daughter. She gets a little bit mad, singing nonsense about death and sex, and ends up drowning herself. Laertes, Polonius’s son, wants justice for his father, and becomes another potential revenge hero, but unlike Hamlet, he is more determined. He doesn’t care about the spiritual part of death like Hamlet. King Claudius adds fuel to the fire, and convinced Laertes to kill Hamlet in a duel. Laertes tells Claudius that he will poisoned the tip of the blade, to kill Hamlet. Claudius promised to poison the wine in case Laertes fails to scratch Hamlet with his sword. Hamlet is not aware of this plot, and accepts Claudius’s offer to fight Laertes. During the fight, there is a switch of rapiers, resulting in both Hamlet and Laertes being stabbed with the poisoned blade. Gertrude, meanwhile, mistakenly drinks the poisoned wine. She dies and Hamlet demands that they seek out the treachery that killed her. Laertes, realizing that he and Hamlet are both dying, explains everything and blames Claudius. Hamlet kills Claudius with the poisoned sword, finally fulfilling his quest for revenge. Laertes begs Hamlet to exchange forgiveness with him and dies. Hamlet forgives Laertes. Horatio wants to drink from the poisoned wine, so he can die with Hamlet, but he is stopped by the Prince. Hamlet tells Horatio that he must live in this horrible world so he can tell Hamlet’s story. Lord Hamlet announces that Fortinbras, Prince of Norway, will be the next king of Denmark and dies. Despite the fact that in the end, Prince Hamlet, Laertes, King Claudius, Queen Gertrude, and Ophilia died, the order in the kingdom is restored. Clytemnestra is the one seeking revenge in Agamemnon. During Agamemnon’s ten year absence, Clytemnestra and her lover, Aegistheus, planned to murder Agamemnon on his return. Clytemnestra wants revenge for her daughter, Iphegenia. When Agamemnon comes back, he brings with him, as concubine and slave, the ravished Trojan Princess, Cassandra. Cassandra has the gift of prophecy, but nobody believes her, thanks to Apollo’s curse. She sees the Clytemnestra plans to kill both Agamemnon and Cassandra, but the Chorus do not believe her . Princess Cassandra prays for a quick death, a wish that would be granted. Agamemnon commits hubris. He agrees to walk on the ‘red carpet’ that has been rolled out for him by his wife, even though he  mentions it is treatment meant only for the gods. Clytemnestra preparing her husband for a bath, put on him a bath-robe she had cunningly sewn to be a strait jacket. Wearing this, Agamemnon was completely helpless. His wife butchered and buried him without honours. She does the same to Cassandra. In Hamlet, King Claudius dies, King Hamlet finds peace, and Denmark gets rid of a bad king. Hamlet is buried like a soldier, having a military funeral. In a way, in Hamlet, Laertes commits hubris as well. He dares damnation and he mentions he would kill his father’s murderer in a church. Since both Laertes and Agamemnon commit hubris, both of them die shortly after, which is the element of nemesis in tragedy. Hamartia element, a tragic error, can be seen in Agamemnon when Agamemnon enters the house with Cassandra, trusting that Clytemnestra (his wife) is in fact happy to see him. Similarly in Hamlet, Hamlet agrees to duel with Laertes, not knowing that he is going to die by Laertes hand. Hamlet was a kind and honorable person. While he wanted revenge for his father, in a way he was right to do so. He did not wanted and enjoyed the idea of killing Claudius, but he pulled himself together at the last minute, right before he died. King Claudius was guilty of murdering a King, stealing a Kingdom, a Queen, and planning the murder of Prince Hamlet. Hamlet played for his revenge with his life. Since he was buried as a soldier, and the order was restored in Denmark, the Danish people did not hate him for his sins. Also, in Hamlet, we have more death on stage. Innocent people died, like Ophelia and Polonius. Agamemnon is completely different. He raped, he killed in cold blood, he sacrificed his own daughter to win a war, and he committed hubris, and took hostage the Princess of Troy. His wife, while she might be right in a way to avenge her daughter, she was looking forward to the task of killing Agamemnon and she also killed Cassandra, even thou she was innocent. Clytemnestra and he lover, wanted to be in power and had no remorse. Hamlet is more tragic than Agamemnon, because of the innocence and remorse the major characters showed.